So Nantucket was beautiful.
I literally couldn't put my camera down.
The weather was beautiful.
The inn was gorgeous and very.... quaint.
No TV... and the closet was in the bathroom.
But it was so pretty.
I've always wanted to stay at a bed and breakfast/inn!
I recommend that all couples do so at some point...
And that is because you're forced to think up ways to entertain yourselves
without the help of music or television.
I know I sound ridiculous..
but Mike and I usually hang out while watching Pawn Stars
and American Pickers...... and Bathtastic with host Matt Muenster.
Ok... here are the photos.
First day... looking as WASPy as possible!
My favorite photo...
Breakfast in bed!
This is where we ate dinner on our anniversary..
The food was delicious... but by the end of the experience
we found ourselves running the nearest dive bar on the island.
We're just bad at being WASPs..
The antique stores were amazing!
Everything (as you can see)
was so green and whimsical!
Such a beautiful island.
Everything looked like it was a picture out of a catalogue...
Just amazing.
And I loved how everyone was always dressed
so nice! There wasn't a slob in sight!
I am still kicking myself for not taking a photo of this one woman.
She was really petite and she was wearing these really interesting
flat form lace-up shoes that were completely constructed of straw.
Then she had on brown cropped cigarette leg pants..
her top was a vintage mustardy camel flower design knit
and her final piece were these amazing thick, ox blood red, plastic, round spectacles.
Oh... my... lordy Lord.
Just amazing.
And of course she had most adorable British accent.
Anyways.. The trip was just great.
I am a very lucky girl.
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