... a little fun fact a gentleman once told me.
So yesterday was the lovely Coleen's birthday
and the day started out innocent enough..
at the American Girl store!
Yup, we enjoyed a birthday lunch
complete with our very own doll.
We also embarrassed our birthday girl via song
and were too cheap and full to get a real cake
so they gave us a whip cream pretend cake.
It was great.
The food was actually pretty amazing.
My plate was called "The Best Chicken Fingers Ever" plate
and they really were the best chicken fingers ever!
I remember when I had Samantha... and then I got Felicity too.
And they were the balls.
But now.... they have taken it to the Nth degree.
This is when things got horrifying..
There were so many dolls... like so many.
Every ethnicity and every theme you could think of..
And that's when we came across this one...
Like seriously? Is that serious.
Headgear girl? No one wants to be headgear girl.
Never mind own a doll with headgear.
After work.... that's when the
night got blurry.
We went to the Levis store on Newbury St
where we watched our friends play
some music.. and had one too many beers.
I was dressed as a tree hugging hippie
for the night with shoes that
were just a liiiiittle bit too high
for a night of stumbling on the streets.
We ended our birthday adventures at the Pour House.
Where we thought no food and tequila shots
were a good idea.
Poor Noodle had to take care of us all.
When we got back to Southie
my friend Danny and I went to the beach.
I think we were only there for like 4 minutes,
but we still managed to have a heart to heart.
I really miss living by the water.
.... I feel like garbage right now.
So like I said before..
Never go out with a Syracuse girl on a week day.
During the day is all sweet and sugar coated and filled with
princesses and dolls
princesses and dolls
... and then night falls and it's an absolute shit show.
And the next morning is filled with regret and lack of
dignity with a mild case of depression.
Have a safe holiday weekend everyone!
I adore you. I'd spend every birthday here on after with you, no matter what day of the week it falls on.