Tuesday, July 19, 2011


On Sunday my old roommates and I
ventured out at 6:30 am to the wonderful world of Brimfield.

(It was my first time)
So special.

The day I own real estate I am hitting
this place up for realzies.

Of course I took 1,000,005 pictures.
... and loved every second of it!

K's flea market outfit.

B picking out her birthday gift!

Good cat.... evil cat.

A cupboard, some ceiling tile and ammo. 


I loved that ladder. 


This is my favorite.

Bren and I thought it was appropriate 
to get BBQ pulled pork at 10:30 am.
Lil K did not.

M & T

I love myself some old man garb!

Bakelite utensils!

So many amazing things...
Thank God for cameras!

I will post my great purchases from the day another time!
Hope you enjoyed the photos.


  1. Amazing Pics, I have been meaning to check that place out. Can I go next time?

  2. Next time will be Sept 6-11 I think! And yes!


thoughts?..... comments?...