For the past ten years I've been in the retail business.
I can't believe that I can actually say I've done anything for ten years,
but it is true. At the ripe young age of 16 I started my first
sales job at the GAP in the Walpole Mall.
From then on I can tell you year after year what
my favorite moment was and still is as a retail junkie.
my favorite moment was and still is as a retail junkie.
It's when it is still summer and the first Fall truck comes in.
Sweaters! You would think one would be offended to see such a sight
when your skin is still tender from too many hours on the beach without sun screen.
You would think that one would be annoyed at a reminder that summer in fact
has to come to an end at some point.. but me? Nope! I would
always find some amazingly comfortable thick oversized sweater that
I would imagine myself wearing to Perk's or some other cute little coffee shop,
with all of the colorful foliage outside.. and the crisp fall air.
with all of the colorful foliage outside.. and the crisp fall air.
Yes.. Fall is my favorite season... and once again my Fall fantasies
are dancing around in my head as I see furs from Elizabeth & James, leathers
from Philip Lim and my all time favorite...
It literally gives me butterflies when I see them..
I don't know if it's the nostalgic feeling of the time of
year when you head back to school or if
it's the sweet ass memories of apple picking and pumpkin
picking and hay rides and halloween that pop in my head.
I need to CALM DOWN.. I'm getting too excited.
But when you grow up in New England this
is the shat you live for!
I found this one to be my Fall sitting by a window drinking tea in NY sweater..
This amazing fur.. also from VINCE, is the one fur
that I've tried on that doesn't make me look like a midget linebacker.
My favorite sweaters that currently live in my closet are my
twenty8twelve "so-fugly-it's-amazing" Aztec rug sweater and my
Vince alpaca wool blend cardigan with over sized collar.
My stomach drops just thinking about them.
Paparazzi Shots.
Have no idea what is going on in either of these scenarios...
... but I do know I look so GD excited to be in my sweater!
Who am I kidding.. of course I know what's going on.
Dobis and I are making one of our grand escapes through a dark alley
after having too many pitchers to our face at Chucks.
Moving on... moving on...

Living out my "coffee in Salem" dreams..
I look nervous about it.
... and living out my
"rolling around in a field in Maine without a care because
I'm such a free spirit" dream.
"rolling around in a field in Maine without a care because
I'm such a free spirit" dream.
Moral of the story..
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